In a recent post Kilkenny Cllr Maria Dullard replied ‘Another wonderful community project as Twilight work away quietly’. A statement so true that the work this Kilkenny Charity performs daily, sometimes goes unnoticed by many of the institutions and organizations in the region. CEO Murty Brennan told us “Yes we are aware our self-promotion is an area where we let ourselves down. We recently had one of our volunteers do a quantitative research on the number of people that our programmes have reached based on the reports we submit after each programme/ project is completed. Those who were directly involved since 2016 is just short of eight thousand and when we quantified those indirect participants we were pleasantly surprised to see over eighty thousand citizens of Kilkenny and the surrounding region have experienced the benefits of our Twilight Community Group’s Activities” He added “ The plans for the coming five years are very exciting with the expansion of our International Cultural House and services” The main ethos of the Twilight Community Group is Communities are Stronger Together. A Hub where Men, Women Boys and Girls are welcome in all their Diversity “To have a fully inclusive, equal and welcoming Diverse society, we must include all our Irish Community Groups from youth all the way up to our seniors. We welcome everyone to join our Twilight journey and we are always open to new members and volunteers to help us on our path to what we believe will benefit all communities of Kilkenny and the surrounding regions”

From July 22nd to July 29th Twilight held their Virtual Inclusion Programme in Kilkenny. The participants came from across Poland & France, and our local Kilkenny Community. This project was funded by the European Erasmus + programme. The programme covered the basics of Camera Operations, Editing Publication of Videos and Podcasting and the important element sometimes forgotten the skill of Script writing. A good script is the basis for all productions, big or small. Social Media security is sometimes ignored by its users. The participants were all taken through the Twilight’s Seven Steps of Social Media Security. How to stay safe on line, be very cognizant of what you post, and always be alert to ‘Fake News and Posts’

The Twilight Team of Krista Edelmane, Aidan Hickey, Alina Holub and Team Leader Mikolaj Twilight must be congratulated on their great work over the weeklong programme and for ensuring the safety and of course leisure time. As Twilight know all work and no play is not good for any programme and project. With that in mind the Football Association of Ireland’s regional development officer Mr. Will Kinsella held a fun filled afternoon of soccer skills coaching. The FAI have endorsed the Twilight Community Group’s Integration through sport programme since 2017. An evening in K Bowl and despite the weather a day trip to the ‘rainy southeast’ sea side resort of Tramore. Which was followed by the compulsory Fish and Chips. Our wonderful Castle was part of the Groups itinerary as was the Medieval mile museum and a trip up St Canice’s round tour which is not for the faint hearted.

On the day before they all departed for the Airport, Deputy Mayor Cllr Martin Brett welcomed the participants to the Mayor’s Parlor and Council Chambers and presented each and everyone of the international and local students with their VIP Erasmus Youths Pass Certificate. Prior to this presentation Deputy Mayor Cllr Brett gave an interesting historical account of the Town Hall wrapping up by inviting all present to sigh the Venue’s Visitor’s Book
And so, in the early hours of July 29th the VIP bus departed for Dublin Airport and the curtain came down on another successful Twilight Programme.
If you as a parent or a youth or young adult would like to join Twilight and become a member of one of our teams and students travelling to another European country., now us the time to contact us for details.

Just email info @ twilight.ie or call 0567813105 / 0863255840. Teams for 2024 are now being prepared
And if you want to help our charity, please donate. Here is QR-code, where you can find more details on how to do it.