Can I claim a tax refund? 5 reasons you could be due tax back!
Twilight Community Members can now avail of a 10% discount with Taxback
Have you ever claimed a tax refund before?
Many workers in Ireland miss out on their tax entitlements each year. And, as a result, thousands of euro is left behind with the taxman.
In fact, the average tax refund in Ireland is a massive €1,880!
Most workers are entitled to claim something… so it can’t hurt to check what you’re due.
That’s why we’ve teamed up with Taxback to help our members to claim every tax benefit owed.
Below you’ll find five of the most common reasons you may be due a tax refund.

1 – You have had medical or dental expenses
Have you been to the doctor or dentist in the last 4 years?
For most people, the answer to that question is yes!
The good news is that tax relief is available on an extensive list of medical expenses.
So if you have paid to visit a GP, consultant, physio or for maternity care or non-routine dental costs (such as braces or routine canal treatment) you are entitled to claim 20% of the fees back from the taxman as a refund.
2 – You rented your home
In late 2022, the Irish government launched a new tax relief – the Rent Tax Credit – with the aim of supporting the thousands of property renters across Ireland.
The new Rent Tax Credit is worth €500 per year for a single individual and €1,000 for a married couple. And everyone who contributes toward the rent of a property is entitled to claim.
While the credit is available for the 2023 tax year, it can also be claimed for 2022.
So if you rented your home in 2022, be sure to claim this valuable credit.
3 – You arrived in Ireland / worked only part of the tax year
In Ireland, tax credits (which reduce the amount of tax you pay) are spread evenly throughout the year.
If you arrived in Ireland during the tax year to begin working, you may be entitled to claim ‘split-year treatment’.
This means you will be treated as a resident from your date of arrival and can apply for a full year of tax credits, despite only being resident for part of the year.
It’s important to note that you must be a resident in Ireland in order to claim this tax relief.
Similarly, if your job is made redundant during the year, you may be entitled to claim back your unused credits.
4 – You worked from home
Did you know that if you work from home you can claim tax back on your utility bills?
It’s true! Tax relief is available on electricity, heating and broadband costs.
To qualify you must work from home either full or part-time and contribute toward the cost of the bills.
5 – Flat rate expenses
A Flat Rate Expense is a type of tax relief or tax credit that is available to thousands of workers in Ireland across a wide range of occupations.
The aim behind Flat Rate Expenses is to help with costs associated with work (for instance, uniforms, tools and equipment).
There is a set amount allocated to each occupation – and exactly how much you can claim will depend on your job.
For example, shop assistants are entitled to claim €121, bar staff can avail of €93 and nurses are due €526. So be sure to check out what you can claim.
How to claim your tax back
Twilight Community Group have partnered with Taxback to help you claim your maximum tax refund easily online.
Taxback have been the Irish tax experts since 1996.
And when you apply, their team will guide you through the process of claiming your tax entitlements. They will manage the paperwork for you and even transfer your money straight to your bank account. It really is that easy.
And the best part? Our members also get a 10% discount with Taxback.
So why leave your money with the taxman?
To get started, simply complete the short form here