The Twilight Community Groups Governance process is based on the six principles developed by the Charity Regulator. This allows the charity to fulfil desired results and to remain compliant. The Six Principles Advancing Charitable Purpose: The Twilight Community group was set up to promote social inclusion and integration of migrant ethnic minority and traveller groups in Kilkenny and the South East region of Ireland. Twilight wishes to see all members of the community interacting and working together in a non- judgemental way to achieve respect for diverse cultures. These activities are designed and developed to enthuse and inspire communities. These activities help to foster respect and understanding. By working together communities grow and develop. and Twilight acknowledges this with our tagline ‘Communities Are Stronger Together’. Behaving with Integrity: Behaving with integrity is at the heart of the Twilight ethos and all trustees and members of the BOM are expected to lead by example and proactively promote our values of Respect, Dignity, Equality, Honesty, Commitment and Dependability. It is important that these values are seen to be acted upon and in turn this will set an example to all members of the group. Confidentiality of charity business is extremely important and will be required by all members. Trustees and BOM will agree on these values and make sure all members understand them and abide by them. The Trustees will also decide how Twilight will deal with conflicts of loyalties and interests. Leading People: Trustees have a duty of care to all employees, volunteers, funding partners, and contractors. They will do this by: Involving peopleDefining rolesSolving Problems Providing Training Support Supervision Appraisal Exercising Control: This principle is important to all charities. The Trustees must understand that charity governing documents are legally binding. The Trustees must take responsibility for the charity’s funds, property, and all assets. The standards required for control are to make sure current legal forms and governing documents are fit for purpose. Ensure the charity has proper financial controls in place to manage accounts, money, and assets. Working Effectively: Running a charity effectively means that we have capable, independent trustees. Board meetings are where trustees exercise their collective authority. To achieve these principles, it is vital to: Identify trustees with the ability to undertake the role.Be able to formulate and understand governing documents.Organise regular Board meeting, giving appropriate notice.Organise proper agendas.Have trustee term limits.Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of BOM and individuals.If necessary, recruit personnel to fill competency gaps. Ensure adherence to charity’s code of conduct.Regularly audit skills and update when required. Being Accountable & Transparent: Accountability for the organisation means being open and transparent in all matters. Understanding the ethos of the group Openness and transparency builds trust, internally and externally. This can be achieved by the actions of those representing the group and by making sure all official documents, websites, display the registered charity number (RCN). It is important that the annual report gives a detailed financial account and ensures that these are available and easy to access. Make sure that proscribed codes of conduct and standards of practice are publicly stated. |