It is now time to get the ball rolling again for our senior members of society. Yes! let us open the front door, back door and windows of our houses and let the fresh air not only fill all the rooms of the house but blow away the cobwebs that gather in both our lungs and our brains during that never to be mention ed word again. The (-)you know what I am talking about, and if you don’t? was the weather nice on the Mars for the past 24 months.
All joking aside it is time to head back out to meet our friends and families. Time to look to those lovely walks we spoke about a few editions back. The Castle park, Jenkins town wood, and down by the lovely easy flowing river Nore as she flows majestically through the marble city as it heads on down to the sea and join her two sister rivers, The Barrow and the Suir. Before these three ladies of Slieve na Mbhan meander into the Irish Sea through Waterford harbor. To really get the fresh air into those lungs a nice brisk walk on the golden sand of Tra – mor or Tramore as the tide heads out in to the same outlet of the three sisters and in to what some refer to as the Celtic Sea. A sea where many a trawler fished for the shoals of herring that the Clancy Brothers sang about from their home on Bridge street in Carrig on Suir.
The great outdoors is calling and it is up to us all to answer mother natures call.
The Older Peoples’ Council of Kilkenny are now delighted to be in the position of announcing that they can now have their AGM that has had to be deferred from 2020, and then again, in 2021, but it will take place in the Ormonde hotel the Tuesday after St Patrick’s weekend March 22nd @ 10.30. Not only will it be the AGM but to have a wonderful meet and greet coffee prior to the first votes being casts. A day for the diary everyone.
Yes, we are open for business again. The Twilight Community Group are now kick starting their coffee mornings. Each month the community group will be holding these friendly inter active information coffee mornings get togethers where invited guest speakers will talk to the seniors gather about topics of interest to our age group. One morning in the city and the other in the county as they bring their vibrant volunteers to a community near you. If you wish to have your local community group / association to hold one of these Protecting, Assisting, Senior, Services (PASS) supported by the Bank of Ireland and the Community Foundation of Ireland programme, mornings, call Murty Brennan 0863255840 or 0567813105. And just to top the mornings off……… the compulsory Bingo must take place at each venue.
So, its eyes down to buckle your show for the Twilight Bingo and keep your head up for things to do while out and about this spring