Twilight : A brief Time Line

Brief Time Line 2014: Twilight was established The objective was to work closely with the local community and sporting groups to build relationships within the clubs. This was achieved by inviting the new nationalities living in Kilkenny to engage with local clubs. At the time, the Polish diaspora was the dominant community. Twilight worked closely …

Company Structure

Company : Twilight Community Group CLG  CRO: 636173 Charity Reg Number: 20200322  Board of Trustees Mr Patrick O’Neill   Mr Denis Hynes    Ms Louise Bourke CEO /  /Trustee Mr Martin Brennan Secretary / Trustee Ania Adamowska Treasurer ( In House Accountant ) Linda O’Leary    ED Keevan    Nicoleta Chiorean   Syed Mustafizur Rahman …

What another year for Twilight’s European Cultures Together project

News What another year for Twilight’s European Cultures Together project by Twilightupdated on 19 November 2023Leave a Commenton What another year for Twilight’s European Cultures Together project What’s Another year? That was the Eurovision winner for Ireland and Mr. Eurovision himself Johnny Logan first victory in Europe. The Twilight Community Group each year have entertained and educated …

Are we ready yet?

Are we ready yet? by Twilightupdated on 3 October 2023Leave a Commenton Are we ready yet? When the Beast form the East arrived, we were all hit with a shock to society as the whole country came to a standstill. Many were isolated and left alone. In some cases, we experienced blackouts and cold dark nights with …

Volunteer Guidelines

Twilight Community Group Volunteer   Policy and Procedures Doc. No. 12 Version No. 1 Last Reviewed   Approved By   Next Review   Responsibility   Table of Contents 1. Policy. 1 1.1 Policy Statement 1 1.2 Purpose. 1 1.3 Scope. 1 1.4 Responsibilities. 1 2. Procedures. 2 2.1 Recruitment 2 2.1.1 Selection. 2 2.1.2 Appointment …

Polish Presidential Elections 

Są trzy sposoby na złożenia wniosku do ujęcia w spisie wyborców: rekomendujemy złożenie wniosku przy użyciu usługi e-Wybory; złożenie wniosku w postaci papierowej z własnoręcznym podpisem (osobiście wsiedzibie urzędu w godzinach pracy: poniedziałek, środa, czwartek, piątek 9:00-15:00, wtorek 12:00-17:30 lub korespondencyjnie na adres: Consular and PolishDiaspora Section, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin, 4-8 Eden Quay, Dublin1, D01 N5W8); przesłanie wniosku …

Generation Game

Who remembers sitting in on a Saturday Night as the family gathered around the TV to watch Bruce Forsyth’s Generation Game? We watched as the different generations of the family played a game for small prizes on a TV that the Signal could slip in and out of grainy focus depending on the weather outside …

Knowledge NOT Skepticism

The project «KNOTS!2 – Knowledge NOT Skepticism!2» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”   Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 “Networks of Towns” Measure 2.3 “Civil Society Projects“ Strand 1 – “European Rememberance“   5 events have been carried out within this project: Event …