Our Twilight Seniors all enjoy a wonderful morning in beautiful setting of Eamon Langton’s The Set Theatre as they completed the Protecting Assisting Senior Services.
To explain the reason for the gathering of senior community groups in ‘The Set’ we have to take a step back over twelve months. There are many services that are freely available to all our Communities that at times go unnoticed and eventual unclaimed. Twilight Community Group became very aware of this through their interaction with the Senior Citizens of Kilkenny. With this in mind its talented volunteers devised a programme to ensure the seniors were made aware of this programmes and services. The concept behind this came to light when Twilight discovered despite the best efforts of organizations to get the information down to the grassroot levels like Ronald Reagan’s trickledown economics it doesn’t work.
So, the plan went into motion. Twilight decided to get the people who has the information into the room with the Senior groups and answer their concerns directly. It was decided that there would be no power points, just display tables and person to person interaction. Some thought this was a risk. Would the seniors be comfortable asking the questions of concern to them, how with the service providers respond to this new format?

We had no reason to be slight concerned. It was a tremendous success. Seniors spoke freely to the experts and they in turn gave the information to the seniors in the correct way it was always meant to be provided and transferred. One to One
This however could only be a success of the service providers were also enthusiastic about PASS. Each and everyone of them deserve the highest of praise. Our Community Garda Section with Shirley Bergin organizing the Garda participation and she was helped by a great friend of Twilight and all our diverse community groups from across the world, Garda Andy Neill.
The Fire Chief John Collins and his dedicated team gave excellent tips on fire safety and some very useful hand tools to assist with checking the fire ceiling fire alarm. Both these groups have kindly made themselves available to do a full home security and Fire Security
On Wednesday last we were delighted to have Ms. Eva Lalor, Solicitor, Kilkenny Law Centre. The legal minefields that growing old can hold are daunting. So much so many of our seniors decide to leave well enough alone and believe it will be all right sure they are all sibling, they won’t argue! Well never a truer word was ever spoken when that first person pronounced ‘Where’s there a will there’s family’ This is where a solicitor with the experience of Eva Lalor is must and we at Twilight know you needs are safe and sound in her hands, Thank you Eva Lalor for your contribution
As everything now goes online and banking becomes a transaction that in some cases a degree in IT is nearly required, @Press this., Please do not press delete! . It is a constant worry especially when we hear of the Seniors whose savings have been scammed on Joe Duffy So to hear the guarantee that our Credit Union will Always have clerks and counters opened to the public, again providing one to one interaction. Big Banks and now our humble supermarkets could take a leaf from our Credit Unions and the guarantee Jackie Kealy gave to our Seniors

Protecting Assisting Senior Services is just one of many programmes the Twilight Community Group provide for all the communities of Kilkenny. Unfortunately, a lot of their good work goes unnoticed or acknowledge. Twilight are currently building a wonderful new cultural Hub 15A Hebron Business Park.
Our seniors have a unique amount knowledge that, they and only they can have. The knowledge of Life. In fact, at Twilight we have a name for it. The ‘Degree of Life’
So all the members of the Clara Seniors Group , New park FRC Nifty Fifty group, Our Ukraine Friends, and a great turnout from our Joe Butler and his seniors from Carlow , Twilight’s latest expansion plan to develop another center where all men , women , boys and girls are welcome in all their diversity
We would like to thank all who support the day
We need your support and help as volunteers and facilitators in our Digital Media Training Centre. Last week the group Completed an 8-week course for people with Intellectual disabilities. In two weeks’, time the group brings 12 Ukraine refuges to Kilkenny as part of educational programme which also has French Nationalist, Irish, Polish Latvian, Romanian and Hungarians taking part in the Twilight Developed programme Virtual Inclusion Programme (VIP) in Digital media Training, but! no two days are the same in Twilight. Twilight’s Integration through sport programmes are endorsed by the FAI and regional Development officer Mr. Will Kinsella will hold a workshop with all the participants as part of the week long programme
People often ask Who or What is Twilight Community Group?
We work across all communities including very importantly the Irish Communities as we endeavor to create a equal and socially inclusive society where Men, Women, Boys and Girls are welcome in all their diversity
Twilight Community Group were named Business of the Year 2022 for Diversity, Inclusion and Equality by the Chamber of Commerce