When I established Twilight in 2014 it was to be a hobby to help me recuperate after the illness I had and continue to endure. Little did I know how successful it would become. I began to realize its potential when we applied for our Charity License from the advice and reaction I received from day one.
The Charity regulator expressed a keen interest in our vision of Integration, Inclusion and Solidarity, our three Pillars, and the activities we would employ to supply a Twilight International Cultural House.
Year on year we have continued to grow. We now have a very successful charitable organization. We receive support from National Governmental departments, European Union, Bank of Ireland, RTE Toy show, FAI, and the Community Foundation of Ireland. Our Accounts are audit annually by Duncan Financial Services Limited, Georgian House, Patrick Street.
Twilight International Cultural House needs a bigger and more accessible venue. We are a fully inclusive community group and people who need such assistance must be catered for.
In recent months our Inclusion Officer has rebuilt the Intellectual Disability South East group and now it is active and we are proud to see how his input made this possible. We are now offering assistance to the clients of St Patrick’s on a Friday morning. We do not have direct funding for this but we feel money should not be used as an excuse not to help. Therefore, the facilitation cost is an extra expenditure for Twilight. They now wish Twilight to assist 2 more clients.
Our activities are broad and extensive.
We have three distinct Groups.
Twilight Youth Inclusion TYI (13 to 17)
Twilight Young Adults (18 to 30+) TYA and
Twilight Associated Seniors TAS (55+) Each one of these groups have activities on going and can be viewed on www.twilight.ie or in our weekly columns in the Kilkenny Observer
Twilight need your assistance. We can achieve our aims. I could fill pages and pages of what we have done, will do and can do with support.
Every little bit helps . I know times are very hard and we do try to help all communities’ to manage and we have advice programmes that are on going