
Twilight International Cultural House

Twilight International Cultural House

Based on our research data and from the knowledge garnered from engagement with local International Communities we recognize that to have a fully integrated Socially Inclusive society we must engage with all the communities separately and collectively. By doing this we can remove the labels which we now place on our International Communities, Migrant, Immigrant, Refugee, Alyssum Seeker, disadvantaged etc.  Many of the communities feel that this labelling is a form of stigmatisation and a major disadvantage when applying for work or supports.

In our Survey we found that after language, discrimination and public opinion were the key obstacles faced by the international community as they attempted to integrate fully into their new communities.

After studying our Survey and after consultation with the Community Groups in question our Board proposed establishing the Twilight International Cultural House. This will operate in Kilkenny and a successful outcome to this project will see it replicated Nationwide.  Supporting this assertion is the fact that we already have had primary enquiries from Waterford and Laois.


Our positive interaction and involvement with local communities, migrant and immigrant communities ensure that these groups reap the benefit of our endeavours.

In Kilkenny during 2018 we held the internationally recognized conference on ‘The Stigmatization of Migrants’. This proved to be an outstanding success with 15 nations attending. Allied to this Ambassadors and senior official from European countries attended and addressed the conference. Aware of these growing markets and utilising our ‘Networking of Towns’ programme we  actively support opportunities for foreign growth. Our approach is from the bottom up. This allows us to engage with all community leaders both at home and abroad confident that we possess the knowledge relevant to the requirement of the people. This unique source of information allied to our in-depth market research enhances this invaluable insight.  


The Twilight Community Group has experienced personnel with the ability and acumen to ensure the Twilight International Cultural House will be a successful venture. The future will see the project expand. Initially this will be within the area covered by the Polish Consulate.  Later, the model will develop nationwide. All our trained volunteers are committed to ensuring the International Cultural House delivers our ethos of integration and social inclusion.  

For more information:

Please Contact info(AT)

Twilight Community Group CLG

15A Hebron House,

Hebron Bus Centre




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